


1,000 students, leaders, observers and guests from 80+ countries


Kazakhstan, Astana

Recent news

Халықаралық қазылар және ғылыми комитеттің отырысы
Бүгін Астанадағы Park Inn қонақүйінде әр елден 13 сарапшы жиналды. Ғылыми комитет мүшелерімен бірге олар эксперименттік және теориялық емтихандардың тапсырмаларын талқылайды.

Organisers & Sponsors

Ministry of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Develop an innovative Education System for a knowledge and global competitive society, that includes all age groups to meet future labor market demand, by ensuring quality of the ministry of education outputs, and provision of best services for internal and external customers

The Ministry has the following departments:

1) Committee for secondary education;

2) Committee for Quality Assurance in the Sphere;

3) Committee for children rights protection;

The Republican Scientific and Practical Center Daryn

Main goal - creation of a unified modern system of identifying, developing and realizing the potential and creative abilities of gifted children in Kazakhstan.

The Republican scientific and practical center "Daryn" from 1998 to 2023 held 7 International Olympiads:

2006 - 7th Asian physics olympiad

2010 - 51st International mathematical olympiad

2012 - 46th international Mendeleev olympiad in chemistry

2014 - 45th international physics olympiad

2015 - International olympiad in informatics

2017 - 51st International Mendeleev chemistry olympiad

2023 – 57th International Mendeleev chemistry olympiad

General Sponsor

Freedom Broker




Nazarbayev University
Akimat of the city of Astana



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Experiment Exams - Format

  • Exams for experiment will be conducted across 4 slots on the same day
  • Each slot will be followed by an hour-long break for snacks/lunch/transport to next exam hall
  • All the students will get the list of apparatus and a checklist to verify items present 10 minutes before start of the exam
  • A total of 80 participating countries(expected) will be divided in to four groups (A,B,C,D) consisting of 20 countries/80 students each
  1. Group will remain the same for all exam days
  2. Groups will be identified using different color of clothing
  3. Groups will not interact with each other when they transition from one exam to the other